Dashboard Pages
This example shows how to use feature flags for dashboard pages. Dashboard pages are typically rendered at request time, and dashboard pages typically require an authentiacted user.
The example below shows how to use feature flags to show a feature to a specific users on a dashboard page. They are flagged in based on their user id. The buttons below allow you to either act as a flagged in user or as a regular user.
The feature flag dashboard-flag evaluated to false.
Self document example
The example above works by first defining a feature flag.
import type { ReadonlyRequestCookies } from '@vercel/flags';
import { flag, dedupe } from '@vercel/flags/next';
interface Entities {
user?: { id: string };
const identify = dedupe(
({ cookies }: { cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies }): Entities => {
const userId = cookies.get('dashboard-user-id')?.value;
return { user: userId ? { id: userId } : undefined };
export const dashboardFlag = flag<boolean, Entities>({
key: 'dashboard-flag',
decide({ entities }) {
if (!entities?.user) return false;
// Allowed users could be loaded from Edge Config or elsewhere
const allowedUsers = ['user1'];
return allowedUsers.includes(entities.user.id);
The definition includes an identify
function. Theidentify
function is used to establish the evaluation context.
The example reads the user id directly from the cookie. In a real dashboard you would likely read a signed JWT instead.
Any server-side code can evaluate the feature flag by calling it.
export default async function DashboardPage() {
const dashboard = await dashboardFlag();
// do something with the flag
return <div>Dashboard</div>;
Since dashboard pages are typically dynamic anyhow the async call to evaluate the feature flag should fit right in.
The example flag calls identify
to establish the evaluation context. This function returns the entities that are used to evaluate the feature flag.
The decide
function then later gets access to the entities
returned from the identify
Learn more about identify
Evaluation Context
Feature Flags used on dashboard will usually run in the Serverless Function Region, close to the database. This means it is accetable for a feature flag's decide
function to read the database when establishing the evaluation context. However, ideally, it would only read from the JWT as this will lead to lower overall latency.
The identify
call uses dedupe
to avoid duplicate work when multiple feature flags depend on the same evaluation context.
Learn more about dedupe